Laser Hair Removal After The First Session
Laser Hair Removal After The First Session
You probably have questions about laser hair removal after the first session. After your first laser hair removal session—typically one to three weeks later—you’ll notice what appears to be new hair growing in the lasered areas. The rest of these hairs that were in their growing phase during your treatment will simply fall out as they work their way through your skin. This process is called “shedding,” and you can help it along by gently scrubbing your skin in the shower to remove dead skin cells and loosen the hairs. Just resist the urge to tweeze or wax any hairs that are still attached to the roots, as you’ll only delay your overall progress. Those hairs were in their resting phase during your first treatment, and they’ll be treated the next time around. (Remember that lasering only affects hairs that are in their growing stage, not hairs that are resting or dormant at the time of your treatment.)
Laser Hair Removal Pepper Spots
Once the shedding process is finished, you’ll have a few weeks feeling hair free until the hair that was in its dormant phase starts to grow. The hairs in the follicles will eventually be push out and shed, these are called laser hair removal pepper spots. At this point, generally four weeks after your first treatment, you’ll be ready for your second session; after that, you’ll return every six to eight weeks until the treatment is complete. If you still have questions about laser hair removal after the first session, contact Indy Laser!